

Pittsboro NC Dentist Covid Opening Procedures

We hope that you and your families have remained safe, and we are happy to announce that we are seeing patients in our office again. Our commitment to the safety of our patients and staff continues to be our top priority. Our office will continue to monitor and implement recommendations made by the CDC, OSHA and the American Dental Association.

Appointment Changes

Appointment changes you will see when you arrive are as follows:

  • We ask that you remain in your car and call us when you arrive. We will let you know when we are ready to pre-screen you outside the front door.
  • We will take your temperature, have hand sanitizer for you to use, ask a series of COVID-19 screening questions and request you wear a mask of your own.
  • The waiting room has been closed and appointments are being staggered to allow social distancing.
  • You will notice our staff are wearing additional Personal Protective Equipment to include gloves, face shields, gowns, and respirator masks.
  • Due to the additional PPE the office is cooler that usual.

Patient Rooms

Each room has a barrier with heavy weight silicone protected curtains to keep the air in each individual treatment room. Air filtration systems have been installed in each room and high-speed suction will be used for all aerosol producing procedures.

Checkout Process

There are plexiglass barriers at the front desk for your checkout and the office is exploring online options for payments.

We look forward to seeing each of you. Please feel free to call us with any
questions that you have concerning our new safety precautions.

  • Two thumbs up!

    It was so nice to see how Dr. Laura and her staff have made the lovely new office their own. Even after the many years I have been a patient, I am always impressed with how their warm, professional manner helps to make the procedures understandable and as pleasant as possible. Two thumbs up!

    Patricia B
  • Very Professional and Relaxing

    I had a cavity and crown prep. The doctor and staff did a bang up job. Very professional and relaxing. Holding my tongue down as they stated could lift 600 lbs and my small mouth to work in they earned their money. However, they were great about it and worked diligently to get me through this.

    Michael B
  • Very professional , Warm and Kind

    From the entrance to exit, very professional , warm and kind. Waking room was beautiful and very clean well organizeized I had a very short wait. The same for all the back offices. I was met by all with an ENCHANTING SMILE,

    Brenda H

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Please call us at 919-542-2712 during normal office hours or schedule an appointment online by clicking below. We look forward to caring for you!


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